A Gardner’s Challenge



A summer Poem

Children blow on my puff ball crown

and watch my feathery seed

float gently to the ground.

Proudly I wear my yellow hat

for all to see

as I mingle amongst a field of green.

Gardeners flame

and curse my domain

as I sit amidst a lawn so trained.

I am an herb, a plant , a weed,

I am the trinity

that will flourish for infinity.

By Richard Smith

Comments are appreciated
Criticism is welcomed

My dog is a friend and companion




During my seven decades plus, I had to see two of my pets pass on.  I said “I can’t do this again”. But I lied to myself. At my elderly age I still wanted a dog.  A dog that would out live me. I figured out my average life span and looked for a dog whose dog life would be a little longer than mine. I took in all factors other than accidental death. Thirteen years ago I got a toy poodle pup. I was still frisky and active, as was he. We have grown old together. I relate to his aching muscles, sore joints and frequent naps. We no longer take those youthful long playful walks.  Our stride is short and somewhat staggering. Now we slowly creep through life. I lost a few teeth as he also, I have sagging skin, his no longer has that youthful tone. My hair is grey as his once jet black is now a dull grey. Each day he weakens.  I feel I may see my friend and companion go before me. If so, its been an elderly pleasure to age together.



A sonnet poem


Once a month at a local coffee shop, they open their doors to a poetry open mic session.  The prompt for July is write a poem of our favorite letter of the alphabet. This is my first attempt at an open mic for poetry.  Before I read my poem I thought I’d put it out in the blog-a-fear for comments and likes.  Here is my sonnet.

I am a letter, not just any letter

I am special, consonants and vowels I lead

Alphabet of twenty six is my need

Alone, I help the sentence sound better.


My friends b through z have personal names

Such as bravo, charley, delta, and more

It’s a gender thing, mighty to adore

Masculine names clarify, so they claim


I trust by now you know your a b c’s

It is easy to know, who leads the pack

All my clues leave you the best to believe

Take a guess or do you need to go back

I am destine to triumph and succeed

I am A, the ah, ey of the sound track


Comments are welcomed
Criticism is accepted
Thank you for the like

Reflection of curves & wiggles


A massive brick entrance is the keystone for this three story black mirror glass front.   The reflections from the windows show an eerie look of twisted, bent and curved architectural structure and street lights in a grotesque position.  The real true curves are in the trees that nature naturally displays.

reflections b&W-3.jpg

Comments are welcomed
Criticism accepted
Thank you for the like

Haiku: Black, White, and Color



Black and white alone
is without red blue and yellow,
solely shades of grey

Are your days cloudy?
Let the sun through with bright hues,
Colors burst with joy

Paint a cheerful life,
mix the red blue and yellow,
live a blended life


Comments are welcomed
Criticism accepted
Thank you for the like

Photos and words by:  Richard Smith


An Elderly Healthy Exercise


Since I am in the elderly age of life, I began to exercise between 20 to 30 minutes a day.  So early afternoon I start my power exercise plan for better muscle growth, boost memory and cognitive skills.  I set the alarm on my smart phone to signal me when my 30 minutes are up.

In my room I lay on a flat surface, turn on some music and start my super power nap.  I heard young people use an incline machine for a power work out; some days I use a recliner for a semi power nap. I believe it is good to switch back and forth.  It helps blood circulation.

After 30 minutes I felt I had a good workout.  When I go into an upright position, my muscles are stiff, and with each step I feel some soreness in my joints.   In my younger days after I’d jog, bike and work out, I felt the aches and pains but it was temporary. The only difference now are my muscles and joints ache all the time.  My memory boost and cognitive skills are better as long I keep the same routine, take notes and place things in the same location each time.  After a power exercise nap, I am ready to relax in a nice soft chair with a good book.

How does your exercise plan benefit you?


Light and Dark


A lighted path.jpg

Have you ever walked through the woods on a cloudy night?  Strange sounds that screech like finger nails scraping against a chalk board or the dried leaves and twigs snapping under foot, my eyes are blinded from the pitch black darkness.  Not a twinkling of light shows through the forest canopy.

Panic enters the mind.  I walk with soft tiny steps to feel each little stone or root.  My steps quicken then something springs up and hits my leg,  it is a stick big enough to use as a blind man’s cane.

On the darkened path a pair of red beady eyes stare at me.  All I see are those horrific eyes without face or form.  I fall to my knees, my hands cup my face tears stream down my cheeks.  I am lost with no one to help me.  I cry out. “My God, my God what evil lurks within this darkness.”  “Help me, please help me.” I have no idea how long I laid there in a fetal position.

I open my eyes and rise to my feet.  Up ahead I see a lighted path,  at that moment a peace comes over me.  It’s like how a baby feels a comfort and protection when it is in the arms of its’ parent.   The lighted path is narrow and the way to it is hard.  To journey cautiously in the woods at night, we need a light in order to avoid the pitfalls of the darkness.  In this life we venture through a dark forest of evil, but God’s word can be our light to show us the way.

Are guided by the light on your path or road to keep you from stumbling and falling?


