A dogs’ disappointment


A warm breeze flowed through the patio of the local book store.  A pleasant day to relax and watch the array of people walk and jog through the street.  Visitors to the area wore a lanyard that displayed a pass that allowed them entry into some of the restored colonial homes.

College students dressed in their causal wear of flip flops, shorts, tee shirts and tank tops scurry to class with backpacks flapping against their backs.

The locals walked or sat on the benches, sometime they’d sit with their dogs and chat with the people passing by.  Before I shot this picture the dog laid on the ground peacefully at his master’s feet.  This young pretty jogger came near and the dog quickly sat up.  Its eyes locked on the runner, ears perked, tongue hung out, and a grin on his face. If he could speak, he’d probably say, “please! please! let me run with you I can keep up”.

What a disappointment for the dog when she jogged by without notice.  His head drooped and he slowly dropped to the ground with his head on his legs, eyelids half closed.     Street Photo-7.jpg

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