Time in History


This photo was taken in late August 2015 inside the living quarters at the Great Hope Plantation located in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.  The period of time in history was around the late 1700’s.

I heard that Great Hope Plantation will no longer have interpreters but will be a self guided tour with signage only.

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Ice Skating


With colder temperature and frost on the window, Colonial Williamsburg, VA has joined in the winter fest.  Cradled between merchant square and the historic Colonial section on Duke of Gloucester street is an outdoor skating rink.  A place for the young at heart. 

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Halloween Eve Escape


This is a story about three British brothers of His majesty’s navy named Boney, Bones and Boner.  Several hundred years ago they were chained and shackled in an underground dungeon in the very pits of the Capitol of Williamsburg.  They were accused of witchery.  Instead of death by fire, they were to rot to death.  At the time of their sentence, an old haggard woman with a long chin, warts on her nose and hair like straw placed a curse on them.  The curse was for them to live forever without skin, mind, heart and spirit.  It is year 2016.  The Skeleton brothers have resurrected from the pits of the underground.

Boner stands with telescope in hand over-looking the area as Bones lowers Boney to the ground. Boney hollers to Bones “Don’t let go of that rope or my bones will break.”

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Once on the ground their bones rattled as they ran to the fence.  Swiftly they climbed over the gate. Boner yells, “We are free at last.”

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The three of them stopped for a break. Bones says,” my joints ache, it must be arthritis.” “It is old age, here eat an apple” said Boney.

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Boner points to a stage coach.  “Let’s try to get a ride to Yorktown, maybe we can find our old sailing vessel.”

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Happy Halloween!!!!! 
