Legs ‘N’ Coffee like Legs in Fine Wine




I am at my local coffee shop reading my i-pad eating a bagel and sipping coffee.  I looked up and from the position of my table, I see a pair of long nude legs.  

One leg crossed over her other leg her feet wore black patent stiletto heels.  One foot makes a slow circular motion as to beckon me to come closer.  Her suntanned legs looked like a fine polished piece of furniture.  

Thoughtfully, I picked up my empty cup, paper napkins and went toward the trash receptacle.  As I came closer to her I thought I’d compliment her and say you have nice legs. Instead I asked, “ is this where I put my tray”?  With a hitch hikers wave her thumb pointed to the rectangular sign that read “Thank You”.  Hmmm! I wonder if she read my thoughts or pointed for me to empty my trash.



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